Now move to Keywords...
Keywords are made up of the basic characters. Like the words made up of alphabets!
There are two type of keywords..
1. Inbuilt Keyword
2. User defined keywords
Keywords are made up of the basic characters. Like the words made up of alphabets!
There are two type of keywords..
1. Inbuilt Keyword
2. User defined keywords
1. Inbuilt Keyword: There are 32 in-built keywords in C-programming!
They are:
They are:
Auto | Break | Case | Char | Const | Continue |
Default | do | Double | Else | Enum | Extern |
Float | For | Goto | If | Int | Long |
Register | Return | Short | Signed | Sizeof | Static |
Struct | Switch | Typedef | union | Unsigned | Void |
Volatile | While |
The inbuilt keywords have already defined in the header files!
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