Important for all facebook users

This is an important message to Facebook users! Facebook started earning by the page created with them! The post published in page will now only reach up to 10% of the total fans on their wall page!

This  business is also applied for your personal posts!

To receive all the information/posts by the page you liked or of your best friend kindly follow these process...

How to overcome it:

For friend's profile go to friend's profile and move your mouse to the "Friends"  button, select "CLOSE FRIEND" on it! A checked sign will appear on it! Try it on our page first CLICK HERE

Go to page, move your mouse to the "LIKE" button, select "ADD TO INTEREST LISTS"..Click on it. A checked sign will appear on it!

By doing this you will be able to the whole posts/information about the pages you liked or the updates from your best friends!

NOTE: Don't put all the friends to the close friend list! It will increase your notification! Add only to the best & good friends!

Share this important message with your friend !

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