We have collected some basic softwares which you must should have in your computer. If something is missing then you must should install it. We have gone for several surveys and list out TOP 10 Softwaes. We listed top 10 software names which you must have in your PC, Computer, Laptop, Pad, Tablet or in Mobile. So check out these list to make your computer alive:

1. Antivirus software : The first and most important software you need is Antivirus. We have listed  top 5 antivirus softwares with the latest version links free of cost. This software is to protect your computer from threats, virus, malwares and different kind of torgens.

2.  VLC media player : The second software without which we cannot live is media player. VLC is one of the best open source media player. This is the one of the important software you must have in your computer. Get the latest version of  VLC. Click on download button below.

3. OFFICE : This is one of the important software for our computer either personal or home or ofice. All should have this software. By this you can write , edit, and save any document. Open-office is also available for free. Or you can use this version of office free of cost. Click on Download button below.

4. PICASA : It is the best software for photo viewer software. You can edit, share and organise your photo. It is one of the must have software in your computer. Click below button for download.

5. Internet browser: We all have Internet explorer in our window but it is not so must fast, secure and efficient enough for browsing. So we have some good browser. You can get latest version of Google Chrome and Firefox. It can support almost all OS.


6. IDM : Idm is a download manager. It is fastest and very effective. It can increase your downloading speed more than 400%.  For internet user it is the must having software. Apart from that DAP is also available .  Get IDM free from below button.

7. Adobe Reader : This is very useful software for all the PC and devices. This can read PDF files. You can write, edit and organise you PDF files. And send it to any other computer. Get it free latest version free.

8. SKYPE : This software is very much useful for the guys who love to chat. This is a software for video chatting. Download it free for your device.

9. TUNE UP UTILITIES : Tune up utilities makes your computer faster and more customize according to you. It is also a must having softwares for your computer. You can get latest version from its site.

10. WINRAR : Last but not the least, Winrar. This is one of the most usable software unknowingly. This is for create and unzip .rar, .zip etc files. You should must have it in your PC. Download It for free from below button.

These are some software chosen by users. According to the requirement the softwares may vary user to user. You can add your own software.

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